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Presentation of Maite Larburu’s new album: “Krak”

Free entry.

Date 19/10/23

Time 19:00h

Maite Larburu

Maite Larburu is a versatile artist-musician. After studying violin in the classical music line, she specialised in early music or historicist movement at the Amsterdam Conservatory with the help of the “Nicanor Zabaleta” prize. As a result, he has worked with some of Europe’s most important early music ensembles over the last 15 years. Among them: Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra, B’rock, Anima Eterna Brugge, Holland Baroque, Ricercar Consort, Les Timbres, Capriccio Stravagante, Solamente Naturali, Vox Luminis, etc.
However, the violin is not Larburu’s only musical tool. He has recently delved into composition, voice, guitar and other instruments, and has made several interdisciplinary immersions in the field of theatre.


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