Call for Projects

Kuna-co Proiektuak 2024

What do we look for?

BBK Kuna seeks to finance social innovation projects that respond to the different challenges in the “Kuna-co Proiektuak” call.

The projects submitted must be necessarily aimed at achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

It looks for projects that provide tangible, replicable and scalable solutions and must present a research proposal of the themes chosen with, at least, one action as a final result.

What do we offer?

The call has a budget of 150,000 euros that will be shared between the projects selected. The selection panel may select 1 or more projects for each challenge and some may be declared void if no project meets the criteria requested.

Who is it aimed at?

The project proposal must be submitted by a group of entities, a consortium, that collaborates to implement the research and action. The proposal must be submitted by a non-profit organisation that will lead the consortium. This organisation will be the main point of contact between the consortium and BBK. The consortium must be composed of at least two actors, representatives of the quadruple helix, each one being of a different nature: university, business, public administration or organised civil society.

What are the challenges for 2024?

  • Education and inequality: extracurricular
  • Migration and talent: digital employment

What is the call process?

  • Opening of the call: May 27th of 2024
  • PHASE 1: (from May 27th to June 20th) Presentation of the abridged project or “One-page Project”
  • PHASE 2: (from July 24th to september 15th) The projects that get through Phase 1 will submit the detailed project attaching the extensive documentation required.
  • Project selection and awarding of the monetary support: the projects that get through Phase 2 will be evaluated by the Selection Panel who will decide which projects are to receive funding.

Where do I submit my proposal?

Submitting the project proposal to Kuna-co Proiektuak 2024 will be done through the BBK website, www.bbk.eus, on the el BBK y TÚ portal. Specifically, in the “BBK Kuna” section.


The application period establishes June 20th of 2024 as the deadline for receiving applications in BBK.

Documentation and downloads

If I have any questions?

You can find us at kuna@bbk.eus 

Dossier Kuna-co Proiektuak

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