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The space for social innovation in Bizkaia


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BBK network afterwork: Pitch College

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Todas las noticias

Success of “A bordo del tiempo” at Sala BBK

Thank you to everyone who came to the #salabbk and made #ABordoDelTiempo a resounding success! Your presence and excitement made this play even more special. Together, we will continue to build a more cultural and inclusive future.


On board time: Navigating towards an intercultural future

A bordo del tiempo es un viaje apasionante que nos ha llevado a reflexionar sobre la riqueza de nuestras diferencias y la importancia de construir un futuro más inclusivo. A través de las voces y experiencias de las personas participantes, hemos explorado cómo la interculturalidad puede ser un motor de innovación social.


Underground architecture: underground sustainable buildings

In a resilient world in the face of climate change, sustainability has become part of our lives with complete prominence. It is not just about environmental commitment. It affects economic development and our conceptions of social responsibility.


The possibilities of Design Thinking for addressing SDG strategies

Design Thinking is ideal for defining strategies conducive to achieving the SDGs. It is a methodology which, in addition to focussing on people, seeks innovative and creative solutions to complex problems, involving all parties. Therefore, it is very participative and favours the creation of strong bonds of complicity.


SDG 1: End poverty. Why is it so important and what can we do?

The first United Nations’ SDG is clear and uncompromising: end poverty in all its forms everywhere. The goal is certainly ambitious but is essential in order to achieve a more just and sustainable world. This article explores what this sustainable development goal consists of, why it is so important and what specific actions we can take to contribute to accomplishing it.


How to integrate the SDGs into schools

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also known as Global Objectives, are a roadmap for addressing crucial challenges and building a more eco-friendly world. Education plays a fundamental role in promoting the SDGs, since it influences young minds and promotes an understanding of the importance of sustainability.


Intercultural Logbook: La Ciudad Soñada

El 17 de noviembre, viernes, a las 19:00 en la Sala BBK se presentará la Comunidad de Aprendizaje Cuaderno de Bitácora Intercultural con una puesta en escena para la visibilización de lo diversa que es nuestra sociedad.


Fashion Revolution Week 2023

Fashion Revolution Week is the annual campaign that brings together the largest movement of world fashion activism for seven days of activities held around the anniversary of the collapse of […]


Intercultural Logbook: Call 2023

We are very excited to inform you that BBK Kuna, The Home of the SDGs, in collaboration with UN Etxea – Basque Country Association for UNESCO, is maintaining the Learning […]


Do you dare to save humanity in BBK Kuna?

Planet Rescuers is a video game in Minecraft Education Edition designed for children aged 8 to 12 to learn how to use their creativity and innovation to promote sustainability. In […]


Dining with data in the restaurant of the future

To present the most relevant data collected in the first representative survey on the Future of Food carried out in the Basque Country, we have generated an innovative experience in […]


The Future Game: Future and Technology

As you know, last year we ran The Future Game, bihar zer? The participatory process carried out with the youth community of The Future Game. In total, more than 16,000 […]


South Korea is also familiar with BBK Kuna.

El pasado mes de octubre, la periodista coreana Eugenie Park estuvo viajando por toda Europa visitando y conociendo diferentes sistemas de innovación social europeos, entre los cuales se encontraba BBK Kuna.


BBK ODS Eguna. A day to remember

On Saturday, Bilbao took another step forward in its commitment to the challenges of the future with the ‘BBK ODS EGUNA‘, a day to highlight the Sustainable Development Goals through […]



On Saturday 29 October, “BBK ODS Eguna” will fill Bilbao with free recreational and cultural activities.


Our Intercultural Logbook

  A few months ago at BBK Kuna: La Casa de los ODS (The Home of SDGs), we launched our Learning Community: Intercultural logbook. Our aim in this community was to reflect […]


Badator HaurKuna!!

BBK Kuna pone en marcha de nuevo su programa HaurKuna a partir del sábado 1 de octubre. Así, hasta la próxima primavera, La Casa de los ODS acogerá diferentes actividades […]


Eat sustainably in september

Septiembre es, para muchas personas, el mes 0, el verdadero inicio del año. Y con el nuevo año ya sabemos lo que toca: lista de propósitos. Uno habitual es comer […]


Do you know what the lungs of the world are?

Si aún crees que el pulmón del mundo es el Amazonas, deberías seguir leyendo. Sin duda alguna, el Amazonas es un lugar imprescindible para el equilibrio medioambiental del planeta, pero […]


Are your holidays sustainable? 

When you go sightseeing, do you think of the impact this may have? Are your holidays sustainable? The World Tourism Organisation (WTO) defines Sustainable tourism as ““tourism that takes full […]


BBK Zientzia Irekia 2022

BBK Kuna, the Home of the SDG, will host BBK Zientzia Irekia 2022, from 14 to 16 July, an event promoted by BBK whose main goal is making the knowledge […]


GOOGAZ - Bizkaiko Kopa

Googaz is a movement created by non-conformist millennials, whose aim is to motivate the youth of the Basque Country to take action and to be the masters of their lives. […]


Have fun with the ODS escape room at BBK Kuna

Are you a fan of escape rooms? Surely you haven’t yet managed to escape from one in which sustainable development is the objective. We propose a 1-hour escape room in […]


When 83 adds up to 18

Quite often we hear “We can go faster on our own, but together we can go further”, and in BBK Kuna we not only agree with this statement but we […]


Rethinking the fight against poverty

The establishment of the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty (Paris, 17 October 1987) reaffirmed the fact that poverty is a violation of human rights. Every year on this […]


The projects selected in BBK Artegunea get underway

The new BBK Artegunea call, aimed at generating contexts in which people become part of artistic and cultural processes, seeks to support those projects which, in many cases, encounter difficulties […]


Wear green this spring

Spring is here and this means it’s time to change our wardrobe. The machinery is in full swing to showcase this season’s trends, more stylish slacks, the latest fabrics, tailored […]



Googaz is a movement created by non-conformist Millennials which aims to encourage the young people of the Basque Country into action and be the owners of their own lives. This […]



The Eragintza Foundation works to integrate people with mental illness into the labour market normally Of the 17 SDGs that make up Agenda 2030 there are several which include specific […]


BBK Kuna launches the KUNA-CO PROIEKTUAK

BBK Kuna: The Home of the SDGs, Sustainable Development Goals, launches the KUNA-CO PROIEKTUAK, an initiative with which the entity wants to promote Innovation Projects aimed at providing solutions to […]


The Programming and Cybersecurity Bootcamps begin.

BBK launches its Programming (Full Stack .Net) and Cybersecurity Bootcamps at BBK Kuna, aimed at unemployed people. These training courses have an employability rate of over 80%. Both bootcamps were […]


BBK Kuna: Gabon Kantak

From BBK Kuna: The Home of SDGs, we invite you to the Christmas concert of the Children's Choir of the Bilbao Choral Society. Places for this performance will be limited and on a first come, first served basis at BBK Kuna.


HaurKuna / GazteKuna

Introducing our activities programme for children conceived with the idea of generating a positive impact through play in children from 3 to 10 years of age. Using different recreational activities […]


Series of talks

To mark the opening of BBK Kuna, the Home of the SDG, at BBK we have organised a series of talks that will allow us to share the first steps […]


BBK Kuna Inauguration

BBK KUNA opens to the public next week and will be full of events aimed at making different audiences aware of the BBK Kuna project. On the weekend, from Friday […]


Prize for the Bakarzain Project

The flashtalk conference on loneliness given by Anibal M. Atobiza in the 3rd Congress of Philosophy and Public Health, was awarded first place. Anibal M. Astobiza is a research team […]


Development Of The Post-Pandemic White Paper

On the 21st of July the: “Post-Pandemic White Paper: resilience facilities and the welfare state in the post-coronavirus world” workshop took place, in which the painting “Ulysses deriding Polyphemus” by William Turner […]


BBK And Globernance Are Launching BBK Kuna Institutoa

BBK and GLOBERNANCE -Institute of Democratic Governance- run by Daniel Innerarity, have jointly developed a space for strategic thinking in the Basque Country that identifies the main challenges that we […]


BBKOSF´21 Kicks Off

A new edition of BBK OPENSCIENCE FEST 2021 (BBKOSF’21) kicks off for people to enjoy and learn with open and community science as the protagonist. This year, the programme extends […]


Presentation of BBK Open Science Fest 2021

BBK Open Science Fest launches a new edition of open and community science as the main player from 7 to 13 June. This year, the programme includes more than twenty […]


Foro Unesco Etxea

BBK Kuna has been one of the participating institutions in the virtual seminar “An approach from Agenda 2030 to the groups whose rights have been violated in Euskadi” which was […]


BBK Trends Forum

BBK Kuna has participated in the BBK Trends Forum held in the Sala BBK with both online and in-person attendance. In this event, held on 20 May, professionals from across […]


Partnerships for achieving goals

If there is something this pandemic has made quite clear, it is the importance of standing side by side and pooling our efforts. The only way of responding to the […]


“BBK Kuna 2030 Kideak” call for applications

BBK launches BBK Kuna 2030 Kideak, to visualise a multi-sector alliance and accelerate collaboration and innovation, where the 2030 Agenda is activated and the Sustainable Development Goals are achieved in […]


New meeting of the Advisory Board

This week the BBK Kuna Advidory Board has met for the second time. A meeting in which, in addition to making decisions, the body, made up of 21 neighbours from […]

Objetivos ODS

BBK KUNA promoting SDGs in SMEs

BBK KUNA, Cebek and the Bizkaia Provincial Council are promoting a programme to encourage the incorporation of SDGs into the strategic plans of SMEs.Through this online course, beginning 2 March, […]

the future game ashoka

The Future Game - Ashoka Young Changemakers

Last Friday, February 12th, all participants of The Future Game programme had the opportunity to join a video call with Ashoka’s Young Changemakers. The Young Changemakers community is a carefully […]


BBK Kuna sets up its advisory board

BBK Kuna has now set up its Advisory Board, the body made up of people from the districts of Bilbao la Vieja, San Francisco and Atxuri that will guide BBK […]

carátula programa the future game

BBK Kuna is starting its activity

BBK Kuna, the Factory providing solutions for the challenges of the future in Bizkaia, is launching its first project which will be aimed at young people. They will be the […]


District advisory board

In the months ahead BBK intends to reopen the Kuna Building and transform it into a space to meet the needs of the people of Bizkaia, paying particular attention to […]



Take Part!

Initiatives focussed on citizen empowerment which carry out collaborative learning and generate accessible and open knowledge.

Call for Projects

Social innovation projects developed by multiagent teams to resolve the challenges linked to Agenda 2030.

bbk kuna institutia

Think Tank

BBK Kuna will take a leap in time, by placing itself in the Bizkaia of 2050 to detect what challenges have to be addressed throughout the territory.

BBK Kuna 2030 Kideak

Multi-sectoral partnership between organisations to accelerate collaboration and innovation, activating Agenda 2030 and for achieving the SDGs in Bizkaia.