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Date 25/10/24

Time 19:00h

Confluence is an American music band (Blues, Country, Rock and Roll, Soul) formed in Bilbao in 2014 as a result of the musical encounter between its two main components, Irrintzi Ibarrola (guitar, vocals and composition: The Nobody Else Blues,Band,
The Hollers, Irrintzi & Horton, Irrintzi Ibarrola Trio, 3Devils) and Jorge Gros (guitars: La Ley, El Límite, Los Jefes, Dinamita p’los Pollos, Mocedades, Rufus, 16 Válvulas, Blue Velvet Band, Music Box, K’no falte, 3 Devils, My Bastard Fryend, Estopa, Carles Buenaventura, Leiva, World Song, Los Pistoleros, Peri & Gros).

The group’s repertoire is based on songs composed by Irrintzi Ibarrola with clear American music roots in which the influences of Bob Dylan, Tom Waits, John Hiat, Lou Reed and the acoustic bluesmen such as Robert Johnson, Son House and
Charley Patton.

Confluence has released two albums Black Stones (Sarbide, 2017) and
Volcano (Gaua Records, 2018).


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