A Grand Alliance To Achieve The Sustainable Development Goals In Bizkaia
There are 83 entities that form part of BBK KUNA 2030 KIDEAK, a partnership between organisations in order to achieve the sustainable development goals. In 2015, the United Nations agreed upon Agenda 2030 and the 17 Sustainable Developments Goals. BBK has the achievement of these goals on its road map and now, in 2021, BBK Kuna will inaugurate its Home of the SDGs in order to provide answers to the challenges facing Bizkaia’s future.
BBK KUNA 2030 KlDEAK, will be a multi-sectoral partnership to accelerate collaboration and innovation, wherever Agenda 2030 is activated, and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are achieved in Bizkaia. In addition, BBK recognises the key role of linguistic and cultural diversity in sustainable development, therefore BBK KUNA 2030 KIDEAK incorporates SDG 17+1: Developing Basque, the Basque culture and multilingual skills.
The partnership will be integrated, on the one hand, by 17+1 AURRERAKIDE, one for each SDG +1, which will be the driver entities for each one of the SDGs, and will play a greater role in achieving Agenda 2030. They will be able to trigger an action impact in the BBK Kuna space combined with its Sustainable Development Goal, and as the bearer of a Sustainable Development Goal be eligible for the funding of projects linked to the development of Agenda 2030.
In addition, and with the aim of joining forces and not leave any of the proposals submitted to the call behind, there will be a KIDEAK figure. These will be organisations which, not having been chosen to undertake a specific SDG, have shown interest in participating in the network and in joining forces in order to achieve a better world.
The associations and people who take part in the partnership will have an opportunity of being part of the BBK Kuna ecosystem enabling them to join local and international partnerships that emerge in this context, and access specific training in subjects related to the SDGs, and may participate in the Learning Communities, and other projects carried out in BBK Kuna.
The selection of the AURRERAKIDEAK has been carried out in cooperation with BBK, UNESCO Etxea, and DOT S.Coop, collaborators in this project.
SDG1: End Poverty
UNICEF Euskadi
SDG 2: Zero Hunger
Banco de Alimentos de Bizkaia
SDG 3: Health and Well-being
Biocruces Bizkaia
Athletic Club Fundazioa
SDG 4: Quality Education
Centro Formación Profesional Somorrostro
Lauaxeta Ikastola
SDG 5: Gender Equality
Clara Campoamor
MET Community País Vasco
SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation
SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy
SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
Lantegi Batuak
Grupo Urbegi
SDG 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Puente bizkaia
SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities
SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
Deusto Cities Lab Katedra
Bilbao Metropoli30
SDG 12: Responsible Production and Consumption
Grupo Eroski
SDG 13: Climate Action
SDG 14: Life Below Water
Izaro SUB
GARAVILLA- Bolton Food
SDG 15: Life on Land
UNESCO Chair on Sustainable Development and Environmental Education UPV EHU
SDG 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals
Agirre Lehendakaria Center
Metro Bilbao
ODS 17+1: Develop Basque, the Basque Culture and Multilingual Skills
Fair Saturday
University- UNESCO Chair on World Linguistic Heritage
3DLAN, Amiarte, Appsamblea Online, Bermeo Tuna World, Bilbao Arraunlari Beteranoak, Fundación Bilbao Basket, Bilbao, CEAR-Euskadi, Centro Formativo Otxarkoaga, Cluster Gaia, Coca – Cola, Coral de Bilbao, EuskarAbentura Elkartea, Feel the adventure, Ferruelo y Velasco, Gaman, Gaptain, Gaude, Gorabide, Hetel, IMQ Igurco, Ingreen, Kultiba, Kutxabank, Kuvu, La Cuadri del Hospi, La Salve Bilbao, Lagun artean, Lauro Ikastola, Last Tour, Lekeitioko Udal Liburutegia, Makuma, Medicos del Mundo, Mondragon Unibertsitatea, Norai, Ortzadar , Peñascal Kooperatiba, Realize S. Coop, Recircular, San Fidel Ikastola, San Viator, Save the Children, Sestao Berri, Techfriendly, Universidad de Deusto, Urremendi, Vidrala, Virtualware