How can we create an ecosystem more favourable for social innovation?

Social innovation, as a driver for change and transformation, requires a conducive environment to flourish in. A social innovation ecosystem is one that promotes collaboration, entrepreneurship and the development of solutions to the most pressing social challenges. But, how can we build an ecosystem that is more favourable for social innovation to develop all its potential?

BBK Kuna, committed to social innovation

As an entity committed to sustainable development and the well-being of community, BBK Kuna has a key role to play in the creation of this ecosystem. By promoting the collaboration between different stakeholders, such as businesses, public entities, social and citizen organisations, synergies can be generated that foster social innovation.

Key elements for a strong social innovation ecosystem

  1. Culture of collaboration: promote a culture of collaboration between the different stakeholders is essential for generating innovative ideas and finding joint solutions to social problems.

This involves:

  • Open dialogue: create spaces where the different stakeholders can share their ideas and perspectives.
    • Trust: establish relationships based on trust and mutual respect.
    • Shared vision: define a common objective that motivates all participants.
  • Access to funding: social innovation needs economic resources in order to develop. 
    It is essential to facilitate access to funding through:
    • Public funds: allocate public resources for supporting social innovation projects.
    • Social investment: promote the investment of businesses and private individuals in social impact projects.
    • Crowdfunding: facilitate access to crowdfunding platforms so that projects can obtain funding from citizens.
  • Training and capacity-building: invest in training and capacity-building of the change agents is key for strengthening the social innovation ecosystem.
    This entails:
    • Training programmes: offer training programmes in social entrepreneurship, project design and management of non-profit organisations.
    • Mentoring: provide mentoring to social entrepreneurs so they can develop their projects.
  • Coworking infrastructures and spaces: making coworking spaces and technological equipment available to social entrepreneurs facilitates their work and promotes collaboration.
  • Favourable regulatory framework: a flexible regulatory framework that incentivizes social innovation is key for creating a favourable ecosystem.
    This entails:
    • Administrative simplification: reduce bureaucracy and facilitate processes for starting up social innovation projects.
    • Tax incentives: offer tax incentives to businesses and private individuals who invest in social innovation projects.

What do we do from BBK Kuna?

  • Call for projects: we launch calls for social innovation projects to give visibility and support new initiatives.
  • Social impact accelerators: we create accelerators that provide social entrepreneurs with the necessary support to develop their projects.
  • Collaboration networks: we promote the creation of collaboration networks between the different stakeholders of the ecosystem.
  • Studies and research:we conduct studies and research in order to identify the social needs and innovation opportunities.
  • Awareness and dissemination: we disseminate the culture of social innovation through events, publications, contents on different platforms and communication campaigns.


Building a social innovation ecosystem is a long-term process that requires the collaboration of all the stakeholders involved. BBK Kuna, as an entity committed to sustainable development, plays a key role in this process. By promoting collaboration, funding, training and the creation of appropriate infrastructures, we can build a more equitable and sustainable future for all.