Arte ikuskizunak: nondik idatzi?
Geroa hemen Ikastaroak
The 2022 edition will be held at the Azkuna Zentroa on the 17th and the BBK Kuna on the 18th.
In the 9th edition, academic rigour when debating ideas will be accompanied by new dynamics especially oriented towards citizens, such as round tables and workshops.
Therefore, the Bilbao European Encounters will for the first time be held at two venues: on 17 November at the Azkuna Zentroa (analysis and debate), and on 18 November at the Kuna (reflection with citizens: round tables, workshops and Beers & Politics).
It is worth highlighting the involvement of BBK Fundazioa this year, which promoted the BBK KUNA project (SDG house), Ayuntamiento de Bilbao, and the Chair in Artificial Intelligence financed by the Secretary of State for Digitalisation and Artificial Intelligence.