Arte ikuskizunak: nondik idatzi?
Geroa hemen Ikastaroak
Professional Conference on Accessibility and Circular Economy. Innovations in a necessary challenge in the short term.
From the Association “Bilbao Urban & Cities Design – Urbanism and Cities”, in collaboration with the Spanish Association of Universal Accessibility Professionals – ASEPAU we are pleased to invite you to the Conference “Green Accessibility and Circular Economy”, to be held next Tuesday 31 October, in the Sala Ganbara of BBK Kuna, Urazurrutia Kalea, 3, Bilbao.
Within the framework of Urban October, sponsored by UN-Habitat as the month dedicated to the generation and dissemination of knowledge on the problems and opportunities of Sustainable Urban Development, we are holding this conference to coincide with World Cities Day, focusing on the areas of accessibility and circular economy.
We will have expert speakers from both the public and private sectors, both in the Basque Country and at national level, and will then open up a space for debate.
In addition, after the conference we will hold a networking lunch, followed by a technical visit to the comprehensive rehabilitation project of the Horno Alto de Sestao, as an example of good practice in terms of accessibility, for which we will travel by bus.