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Lorelei Green

Concierto - Kontzertua

Date 04/07/24

Time 19:00h

Venue BBK Kuna

After giving a powerful twist to their style, Lorelei Green -now as a band- embarks on the release of LAVA, a work composed of 9 songs recorded and produced by the British James Morgan.
Together they form a journey with very different scenarios but a clear backbone: careful lyrics in Spanish, the sound of a double bass that sometimes plays with distortion, electric guitar, drums and an unmistakable voice.

Their first album “Aviones de Papel” is a long time ago. The band from Bizkaia has spent years on stage simmering his new proposal, which now launches with the force of a cyclone and that has led him to share the bill with no less than Chris Isaak, or The Watterboys at the BBK Bilbao Music Legends Fest in June 2023.


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Concierto - Kontzertua