SDG 3, health and well-being: What is it exactly?

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a global action framework adopted by 193 member states of the United Nations in 2015. These goals represent a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure all people enjoy peace and prosperity. One of the most crucial SDGs is 3, which focusses on the health and well-being of people, key elements for the development of sustainability, in general.

The details of SDG 3

SDG 3, also known as “Health and Well-being”, aims to ensure healthy living and promote well-being for all ages. Concrete guidelines have been set to achieve this goal. Among which include:

  • Reducing maternal and child mortality: This is based on decreasing maternal mortality in at least 70 per 100,000 live births and child mortality in at least 25 per 1000 live births.
  • Fighting against infectious and non-communicable diseases: It strives to end epidemics such as HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and other diseases, as well as halving the number of deaths and injuries caused by traffic accidents.
  • Universal access to sexual and reproductive healthcare services: Achieve the full enjoyment of these services, including family planning.

We want to emphasize that, as a social entity of Bizkaia, dependent on a banking institution, we have the opportunity of leading local initiatives that contribute to SDG 3. This may include the financing of community health projects, promoting education about healthy living and collaborating with other local organisations to address specific health challenges in our community.

Participating as a citizen in achieving SDG 3

Health and well-being are the essential pillars of sustainability, since a healthy population is key element for social and economic progress. In order to achieve SDG 3, it is fundamental for all sectors of the population to get involved. Here are some ideas and actions you can carry out in a number of ways.

Government and public entities

You must, if it is within your possibilities, invest in accessible and quality healthcare systems, promote medical research and ensure the availability of health services in all communities. You can also implement policies for disease prevention and promoting healthy lifestyles.

Social organisations and non-profit entities

You can collaborate in raising awareness about the importance of health and well-being, particularly, in vulnerable communities. You also have the possibility of giving support to patients and families affected by chronic diseases or epidemics.

Companies and banking institutions

You can help by offering well-being programmes to your employees, fostering a health culture at work and supporting medical research projects and the development of sustainable medical technology. Furthermore, banking institutions can finance initiatives related to these sectors.


As a private citizen, you can contribute to this goal by adopting healthy living habits, having regular medical check-ups, participating in volunteer activities or donating to organisations that work in this field.

Teachers and schools

If you work in this sector, you can play a key role in promoting healthy living. For instance, including subjects about well-being in the school curriculum. Similarly, you can promote physical activity and healthy eating.

In conclusion, as we have seen in this article, SDG 3 is an essential component of global sustainability. In order to achieve all its goals, it is necessary to work together, in promoting health. We hope you consider the ideas that have been provided so that you can play your part.