Technology can also contribute to the SDGs

Technology plays a vital role in accelerating progress towards a more sustainable world and, in turn, is a crucial driver to advance towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Established by the United Nations, they represent a global call for addressing critical challenges.

Throughout this article, we will explore how the technological world contributes to achieve said goals and we will talk about the benefits it provides in various areas.

Digital transformation and the SDGs

The digital transformation has revolutionised our ability to effectively address the environmental development goals. We outline some key areas in which technologies are a strategic ally:

Ending poverty and hunger

Technology extends access to financial services, job training and commerce for marginalized communities. In addition, it optimises the management of the food supply chain, reduces waste and ensures that resources reach those who most need them.

Health and well-being

Telemedicine and mobile health applications improve the access to medical services in remote areas, which are essential for effective medical care and disease prevention.

Quality education

Online education and digital learning platforms democratise access to quality education and use advanced technologies, such as artificial intelligence and virtual reality, to transform the way to teach and learn.

Gender equality

The digital world, in particular, Internet connectivity, reduces information gaps and opportunities, which are key to tackle the inequalities of access to essential services and economic opportunities.

Clean water and sanitation

The technological world enables the efficient management of water resources and the early detection of problems in infrastructures, ensuring access to clean water and sanitation.

Affordable and clean energy

Renewable energy, such as solar and wind, reduces carbon emissions and ensures a constant supply of clean energy.

Decent work and economic growth

The digital economy creates jobs and promotes economic growth, in addition to encouraging automation and efficiency in industry.

Industry, innovation and infrastructure

Technology helps drive the innovation and development of sustainable infrastructures. This gives rise, for example, to smart buildings that optimise energy consumption and use sensors to control lighting and air conditioning. Similarly, sustainable transport emerges with the use of electric vehicles.

Sustainable cities and communities

Technology contributes to the creation of smart and sustainable cities by using air quality sensors that collect real time data on air pollution. In addition, smart waste management by placing sensors in garbage bins is based on monitoring their capacity and sending alerts when they need to be collected.


Other examples

In addition to all those described, the technological world is a strategic ally in order to ensure achieving the SDGs by using responsible practices in production and consumption and in the fight against climate change.

In turn, tracking and conservation technology protects life below water and on earth and strengthens justice and good governance. Furthermore, it connects people and organisations in order to work together to tackle common challenges.

In conclusion, as we have seen, technologies are key allies on the road towards achieving the SDGs. This is the case, because of their capacity to tackle global challenges and improve efficiency in different sectors make them an essential tool. Let us not forget that the digital transformation is essential to face the challenges of the 21st century and a achieve a future where sustainability will prevail for all people.