The Premios ODS Sariak recognise the work of five basque entities in building a better future and activating agenda 2030

The 1st Edition of the SDG Awards, organised by BBK Kuna and Cadena SER Euskadi and presented in Sala BBK, underlines the importance the business and association fabric, the third sector institutions, the educational centres, even people individually, offer to the Basque Country in order to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

The SDG awards have been set into five categories which encompass the five Ps: PEOPLE, PLANET, PROSPERITY, PEACE and PARTNERSHIPS.

After analysing the 149 proposals received, the jury, composed of teams from the organising entities and independent experts, have decided to award the following projects for their commitment to building a future in which the SDGs are a reality:

  • SDG SARIA – PEOPLE: Bizkaia Food Bank

For faithfully and powerfully representing the commitment for the fundamental principle at the basis of Agenda 2030 and the SDG, which are the human rights of people, and the fight against the different dimensions of Poverty, SDG 1; so that everybody has the basic capabilities such as food, SDG2; Health and Well-being, SDG 3; Quality Education SDG 4; Gender Equality, SDG 5; for the free exercise of their rights, without leaving anybody behind.

  • ODS SARIA – PLANET: Bermeo Tuna World Capital

For significantly and illustratively representing, the commitment for advancing the integration of sustainability transversally into the industry and value chains linked to tuna, from fishing, processing and consumption, preserving the environmental balance and biodiversity of the oceans (SDG 13 and 14), in order to not endanger the access of new generations to one of the most valuable resources of protein and nutrients for human beings from the oceans (SDG 2), and a key resource for prosperity of a major part of the families who live in the territories associated to the value chain in this sector (SDG 8 and 10), of which Bermeo concentrates a very significant quota of catches worldwide.

  • SDG SARIA – PROSPERITYY: A&B Laboratorios de Biotecnología

For being a benchmark in how to integrate sustainability transversally into all corners of the business model for the proper management of its social and environmental impacts, as well as for promoting innovation and continuous improvement in the management of the business in order to actively reduce the environmental impact of its products and processes, such as water, energy, among others, reducing the carbon and environmental footprint and integrating circularity into its operations (SDG 12).

  • SDG SARIA – PEACE: Aurkigune project by Bizitegi

For promoting formulas which make it possible for users of the Bizitegi Association to exercise their citizenship satisfactorily, actively and usefully. Thereby, going from being perceived as receivers of the social services system to become social agents and providers of the services, therefore reducing, the stigma of people in a situation of social exclusion, and generating a space for dialogue, community life and activation from the most immediate and daily surroundings where sustainable development has a name, face, memory, identity and rights, such as the neighbourhood itself, in this case, the neighbourhood of Uribarri, in Bilbao.


For playing a key role in promoting the collaboration between the so-called four helixes which bring together the group of public and private organisations that operate in Bilbao, Bizkaia and the Basque Country as a whole: public institutions, the business sector, civil society and the universities and academic institutions.