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Hablemos de sexo. Pensemos con-ciencia


Date 07/03/24

Time 19:00h

Venue BBK Kuna

Jaione Fernández de Jáuregi, poet and storyteller, and Natalia Urteaga, biochemist and evolutionary sexologist, will give the talk ‘Let’s talk about sex, let’s think with-consciousness’. Natalia Urteaga is a biochemist and evolutionary sexologist. She also worked in the field of dance for 10 years and is the head of the association ADP Sexología.

As Natalia explains, “I met Jaione at a conference, and after reading her books, the opportunity arose to work together and connect literature and poetry with evolutionary sexology. “On the other hand, the poet and storyteller Jaione Fernández de Jauregi has written three books, one of erotic stories, ‘Historias de medias’, and two of poetry, ‘Sentimientos tuyos y míos’ and ‘Al timón de mi barco’. In the case of the latter, all the proceeds will go to the Pascual Maragall Alzheimer’s Association.

In the conference, the stories and poems written by Jaione are used to give sexology a more poetic vision of sexual relations. In addition, they review sexual tendencies, both from Jaione’s literary point of view and Natalia’s scientific one. The subject of prostitution will also be addressed, mentioning not only what love is, but also how to make love.


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