Recycling manual: where to dispose of medicines

Medicines are products that are essential for our health, but when they reach their end-of-use they become waste that requires special treatment. Throwing them into the regular garbage may have serious environmental consequences, since they may pollute water and soil.

This article offers you a practical manual and explains where to dispose of medicines correctly and responsibly.

Where and how to dispose of medicines

1. Expired or leftover medicines

  • Pharmacies: Most pharmacies throughout the state have collection points for expired or leftover medicines. Look for the specific containers for this waste, these are usually clearly indicated.
  • Puntos SIGRE: Some points of sale, such as supermarkets or shopping centres, also have SIGRE (Sistema Integrado de Gestión y Reciclaje de Envases de Medicamentos) containers. Look for the SIGRE logo to identify them.

2. Special medicines

  • Antibiotics and cytostatics: these medicines require special treatment due to their potential toxicity. They must not be thrown into the garbage nor down the drain. Consult your pharmacy or health centre to find out how to dispose of them correctly.
  • Needles and syringes: Do not throw used needles or syringes into regular garbage. Place them in a specific container for sharp and cutting sanitary waste. These containers are usually available at health centres, hospitals and pharmacies.
  • Mercury thermometers: Mercury thermometers contain a toxic metal that should not be thrown into the garbage. Look for specific collection points for this type of waste, such as health centres or town councils.


3. Medicines in original packaging

It is important to hand over medicines in their original packaging, since these may contain recyclable materials. Separate the covers, leaflets and any other element that is not the medicine before placing it into the corresponding container.

4. Unused medicines

If you have unused medicines and they are still within their expiry date, you can donate them to charity organisations or institutions that need them.

Check with your pharmacy or health centre to obtain information on organisations that accept this type of donations.

Tips to remember

  • Disposing of medicines incorrectly can damage the environment and put people’s health at risk.
  • Use collection points for each type of medicine.
  • Hand in medicines in their original packaging.
  • Donate unused medicines that are still within their expiry date.

Together we can ensure the responsible recycling of medicines!