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Origin, meaning and evolution of the Day of the Dead in Mexico

The Cultural Association ‘Mexico Lindo’ in collaboration with BBK Kuna organises 2 events on the occasion of the ‘Day of the Dead in Mexico’.

Date 07/11/24

Time 18:30h

Venue BBK Kuna

The Cultural Association ‘Mexico Lindo’ in collaboration with BBK Kuna organises 2 events on the occasion of the ‘Day of the Dead in Mexico’.

From the 30th of October to the 9th of November there will be an exhibition where the different traditions that take place in Mexico during the celebration of the Day of the Dead, as well as the assembly of a traditional ofrenda, will be on display.

On Thursday 7 November at 18:30 there will be a talk on the origin, meaning and evolution of this tradition.

This festival is the most important cultural expression of the country and has been recognised by UNESCO as Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.


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