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Agenda 2030 and the SDGs. Sustainable development and business

Corporate volunteering as a driver of business transformation

Date 05/12/24

Time 12:00h

Corporate volunteering is a powerful tool to connect companies with their values, sustainability and their community. We believe that small and medium-sized enterprises, because of their proximity and connection to the environment, have a crucial role to play in the development of these initiatives.

Why get involved?
Corporate volunteering not only has a positive impact on society, but also strengthens corporate culture, improves team cohesion and contributes to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We know that the potential of SMEs is immense and we want to support them on this path to maximise the impact of their actions.

What can we offer you?
We invite you to a day in which we will explore the business benefits of VC and learn about success stories to end with an aperitif where we can continue discussing the topic.


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