BBK Kuna launches the KUNA-CO PROIEKTUAK
BBK Kuna: The Home of the SDGs, Sustainable Development Goals, launches the KUNA-CO PROIEKTUAK, an initiative with which the entity wants to promote Innovation Projects aimed at providing solutions to the challenges associated with Agenda 2030 in the Basque Country in general and in Bizkaia in particular and bring about a change within the territory of Bizkaia.
In order to do this, BBK, through the BBK Kuna Institutoa, aims to encourage the joint work of the different agents in society coming together and complementing each other’s efforts to achieve the best results.
In so doing, the innovation projects subject of being the beneficiaries of this aid, must be presented and led by entities who articulate their collaboration by means of a multi-agent Consortium. All the consortiums must include, at least, one non-profit entity.
The consortium must be comprised by at least two actors who are representatives of one of these areas: university, business, public administration or organised civil society. In coordination, they will present a research proposal of one of the themes and challenges posed, but not only in research, each project must address, at least, one action as a result which has to be transferable and applicable.
One of the entities will lead the consortium. This entity will be the coordinator. The leader/coordinator entity must be non-profit. And will be the main point of contact between the consortium and BBK.
Research-action project
The Kuna research-action methodology aims for the projects to test theory according to its efficiency in action, seeking to produce valid and actionable knowledge. The research objective is not examining reality but to changing it. The reflection process developed between the research staff and the participants leads to the production of new knowledge and the work and methods used are sensitive to the needs of the research process.
The proposal must include research on the themes selected, but must ensure a practical application approach, a tangible and transferable action. The action may have different formats: pilots, publications, etc.
Each research-action project which is an eligible beneficiary of the call will receive financial support of 50,000 euros. Three projects will be financed in the 2022 call: one for each challenge presented by BBK. In addition, the consortiums may use the 1st floor of the BBK Kuna space to hold meetings, and work together under the BBK Kuna regulations.
The projects undertake to connect with the BBK Kuna community, with the other BBK Kuna projects and build partnerships in order to improve results.
The applications must be presented from today 1 March to 25 April. The projects eligible of receiving this support must begin before 31 December 2022, the project duration will be a maximum of 12 months from when it begins.