Dining with data in the restaurant of the future
To present the most relevant data collected in the first representative survey on the Future of Food carried out in the Basque Country, we have generated an innovative experience in which 21 citizens selected through a civic draw will enjoy a dinner of the future prepared by the chefs of the Bisubi Foundation at the Artxanda School of Hotel and Catering. The chefs range from Michelin stars to those in charge of modest taverns, who coincide in their respect for the social, economic and environmental surroundings where they aim to transform the gastronomic habits of the territory by making Basque gastronomy healthier, more respectful of the environment and more inclusive.
At the cocktail to welcome the citizens, there will be a dialogue on the Future of Food in the Basque Country with Nora Sarasola, Director of BBK’s Social Work and promoter of the Inhabitants of the Future space, and Braulio Gómez, from the University of Deusto and head of the project, in which they will discuss how social habits related to food are changing, what emerging trends are making their way among the Basque population, what they would like the ideal supermarket of the future to be like and how they want less healthy food to be regulated. The views of the citizens gathered in the survey will enter into dialogue with Bisubi professionals who will tell us how, through cooking, we can help to improve health, care for the planet and move towards inclusive food sovereignty in the Basque Country.
This will be followed by an inclusive, healthy and environmentally friendly gastronomic experience in which the Bisubi Foundation will present each of its five dishes, providing information on how each of the ingredients relates to the priorities that citizens have expressed in their ideal scenario of what food should be like in 2050.
The experience will end with the voice of each of the diners in a survey in which they will give their evaluations of the dinner they have just experienced and propose how to improve the experience to help build the Restaurant of the Future that the Bisubi Foundation is working on.

These are the restaurant chefs who have taken part in the initiative:
Sergio Ortiz de Zárate (Zárate)
Lara Martín (Mina)
Lázaro Carrasco (Monocromo)
Aitxiber (La Bakiense)
Óscar García (Txakoli Simón)
Gary García (Amaren)
Manolo (La Olla)
Borja Villanueva (Sutan)