Talk PolitikPote: Pablo Simón - What is behind the rise of the extreme right? We will talk about the rise of the extreme right with Pablo Simón in PolitikPote, don't miss it! Friday 21 February 19:00 h.
Meeting BBK network afterwork: Pitch College BBK network is the main network of talent and impact entrepreneurship in Bizkaia. Join and expand your network of contacts! Thursday 27 February 18:30 h.
Talk BBK network training: Emprender fuera de casa BBK network is the main network of talent and entrepreneurship of impact in Bizkaia. Join and expand your network of contacts! Tuesday 11 March 10:00 h.
Talk BBK network training: Posicionamiento y promesa de marca BBK network is the main network of talent and impact entrepreneurship in Bizkaia. Join and expand your network of contacts! Tuesday 8 April 10:00 h.
Meeting BBK network afterwork: Improve your personal and professional development. BBK network is the main network of talent and impact entrepreneurship in Bizkaia. Join us and develop your skills! Thursday 24 April 18:30 - 20:00 h.
Talk BBK network training: How to get funding for your project BBK network is the main network of talent and impact entrepreneurship in Bizkaia. Join us and develop your skills! Tuesday 6 May 10:00 - 12:00 h.
Meeting BBK network afterwork: Entrepreneur RolePlay BBK network is the main network of talent and impact entrepreneurship in Bizkaia. Join us and develop your skills! Thursday 22 May 18:30 - 20:00 h.
Talk BBK network training: Speak, persuade and enjoy BBK network is the main network of talent and impact entrepreneurship in Bizkaia. Join us and develop your skills! Tuesday 3 June 10:00 - 12:00 h.
Meeting BBK network afterwork: Inspo elkarrizketak & networking BBK network es la principal red de talento y emprendimiento de impacto en Bizkaia. ¡Apúntate y desarrolla tus competencias! Thursday 19 June 18:30 - 20:00 h.