BBK Kuna Zuzenean: Maider & Iren Uka
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BBK network is the main network of talent and entrepreneurship of impact in Bizkaia. Join and expand your network of contacts!
Opening a business, creating a company, starting a project is already an odyssey in itself. When you have to add to that starting in a country that is not yours, it can become something epic.
That’s why, when someone manages to do it successfully, it has to stand out, to be highlighted, to serve as a beacon for other people. This way you can learn that it is possible, that there are support networks and that you have to discover ways to make what seems impossible easier.
Taking advantage of the proximity of 8M, a date that recognizes the work of women so often invisibilized to present the cases of 4 exemplary women who have managed to lead and carry out projects far from their homes.