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Ecosystem Network Day

The Ecosystem Network is a global, regional and local network focused on social change and the intersection with organisational and community wellbeing. The Ecosystem Network Day in Bilbao will be an event co-created together with the members of the network and will take place in the framework of The Wellbeing Summit for Social Change.

Date 30/05/22

Time 10:00 – 18:30h

Venue BBK Kuna


Ecosystem Day aims to provide network members with an intimate space to connect after two years of pandemic where it was impossible for them to meet face-to-face and to cultivate new relationships and strengthen old ones. In addition to presenting and co-creating with members new initiatives that demonstrate the maturity of the network and that will set the tone for its development in the coming years.

The Ecosystem Network Day in Bilbao will be an event co-created together with the members of the network and will take place in the framework of The Wellbeing Summit for Social Change.

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