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Goal 4 Good

Goal4Good is a project with which we want to encourage the audience to reflect on other realities with the aim of promoting values such as gratitude and empathy. Our mission is to turn the sports spaces of Euskadi into healthier and more respectful environments.

Date 31/05/24

Time 17:00 – 19:30h

Goal4Good is a project with which we want to encourage the audience to reflect on other realities with the aim of promoting values such as gratitude and empathy. Our mission is to turn the sports spaces of Euskadi into healthier and more respectful environments.

On May 31, in the BBK Kuna space, we will present the short film with the aim of bringing to light what we have seen in the depths of India. In addition, there will be talks and conferences where sport as an ingredient to create social change will be discussed.

Finally, there will be a catering and networking space for people to feel free to talk to the people they are interested in.


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