PolitikPote: Pablo Simón - What is behind the rise of the extreme right?
We will talk about the rise of the extreme right with Pablo Simón in PolitikPote, don't miss it!
Googaz closes its 5th edition with an event that fuses virtual reality and sustainable development goals.
Googaz closes its 5th edition with an event that fuses virtual reality and the Sustainable Development Goals, creating a bridge between public institutions, companies, educational centres and young people in Bizkaia to socialise models that address the challenges of the SDGs through technology.
The Basque Government, the Provincial Council of Bizkaia, BBK Kuna and Virtualware will be present at the event to discuss the responsibility we have as a society to work on, tackle and raise awareness of the SDGs and the important role that technology will play in all of this.
On the other hand, together with professionals from Biobizkaia and Osakidetza OSI Ezkerralde-Enkarterri-Cruces, we will discuss the importance of working on awareness and prevention of the 3rd SDG (health and well-being) among young people.
The event will culminate with the awarding of prizes to the winning team for the creation of their virtual reality game which raises awareness of the third SDG: health and wellbeing.