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HaurKuna: Bilbao Balioen Hiria

Creation and cooperation workshops + family show

Date 28/01/23

Time 17:30 – 19:30h

Venue BBK Kuna

Bilbao Balioen Hiria is a project whose aim is to generate a space for analysis, dialogue, reflection and collaborative work to promote a framework of shared values in the city of Bilbao.

Balioen postaria dator !!!!

Our diberpostari visits us this day with a trolley full of letters.

Who are the letters for?

What stories do these letters tell?

Come and find out at BBK KUNA and help us prepare for their arrival.

17.30-18.30: ongi etorri “diberpostari”.

– Creation and cooperation workshops with the B of Bilbao.

18.30-19.30: “diberpostari” on stage!!!

– Family show


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