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The mapping of the memory of the Palestinian community in the Basque Country

This event is part of an awareness-raising project developed by UNRWA Euskadi with the financial support of the Basque Agency for Development Cooperation of the Basque Government.

Date 12/12/22

Time 18:00h

UNRWA Euskadi presents the study “Mapping the memory of the Palestinian community in Euskadi”, developed by UNA gestión y comunicación, which focuses on the analysis of the starting conditions, the migratory itinerary and the settlement process in Euskadi of the refugee and non-refugee population of Palestinian origin.

In order to carry out this study, four men from occupied Palestinian territory (West Bank and Gaza Strip) and Lebanon and also a woman born in Bizkaia whose mother and father come from Palestine collaborated. In addition, contributions have been collected from five social organisations that belong to the ZAS! Basque Anti-Rumour Network of Euskadi, and that work with refugee and/or migrant populations.

The presentation event organised together with the Bilbao City Council will be attended by UNRWA Euskadi, which will discuss the humanitarian context in the Occupied Palestinian Territory; Miriam Alonso, consultant specialising in Gender and Development and author of the study and Mohammad Farajallah, Palestinian resident in Euskadi and one of the protagonists of the study, who will talk about his migration process and reception in Euskadi.

This event is part of an awareness-raising project developed by UNRWA Euskadi with the financial support of the Basque Agency for Development Cooperation of the Basque Government.


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