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Learning Communities: Menstrual Poverty

In this first session we seek to recognise ourselves, situate ourselves and highlight our differences and complementarities. It will be the 1st of 6 sessions in the pilot.

Date 08/02/22

Time 18:00 – 20:30h

Dibujo: Hazel Mead.

One in five women in the EU cannot afford to buy menstrual hygiene products.

At BBK Kuna we recognise this situation, which is invisible in our society, and we want to address it, to know it in depth and to understand its approaches and implications. To do so, we are launching the pilot within our Practice-oriented Learning Communities. We want to talk about menstruation, stigmatisation, the climate impact of hygiene products, the situation of inequality that is generated… The group is open to possibilities as diverse as its members.

Are you interested in the subject, do you want to learn, contribute, comment, reflect? Write to us at kuna@bbk.eus, we would be delighted to have you join us.

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