PolitikPote: Pablo Simón - What is behind the rise of the extreme right?
We will talk about the rise of the extreme right with Pablo Simón in PolitikPote, don't miss it!
What is and what is not the 2030 Agenda? Why is it a necessity? Does it represent an opportunity? What role does the cultural sector play in sustainable development? Do we work in terms of sustainability? In the training we will try to answer these and other questions.
The contribution of the cultural sector to achieving a more sustainable society goes through several channels: on the one hand, through sustainable cultural management; that is, by improving the praxis in our institutions and daily activity and, on the other hand, by integrating the framework of action of the 2030 Agenda and the sustainable approach in the core of the institution, as well as introducing in its contents the multiple issues addressed by the Sustainable Development Goals and supporting their knowledge and dissemination.
UNESCO Etxea is one of the specialised entities that provide training in the programme of courses to understand and use the 2030 Agenda promoted by the General Secretariat for Social Transition and Agenda 2030 of the Basque Government. These are simple and free courses aimed at any association, NGO, company, educational centre, town council, organisation or anyone interested.
Thursday 20 October from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at BBK Kuna (Urazaurrutia Kalea, 3, Bilbao). More info and registration: b.guzman@unescoetxea.org