Resilient and humane industry, innovation and infrastructure. SDG9 Kideak share their reflections
On 26 October, as part of the various activities that we have been carrying out with the entities participating in our BBK Kuna 2030 Kideak project, we were very fortunate to host the event entitled “Industry, innovation and resilient and human infrastructures” at BBK Kuna.
The day began with the presentation of the book “El puente de Bizkaia en sus bodas de platinum” by Puente Bizkaia with the participation of Marta Uriarte and Javier Goitia.

Subsequently, following the presentation, a round table discussion was held on “Industry, innovation and resilient and human infrastructures” with the participation of both Puente Bizkaia and the rest of the ODS 9 aurrerakideak entities: Arteche and Petronor.
Lander Arteche, from Arteche spoke to us about “Past, present and future of the electricity grid and infrastructures“.

Finally, Manu Núñez told us about “New energy solutions for the future” from Petronor.

It was a perfect end to a great day that we encourage you to remember.