Intercultural Logbook: La Ciudad Soñada
The Learning Community Intercultural Logbook will stage a production to provide more visibility on how diverse our society is, it will be presented in Sala BBK on Friday, 17 November, at 19:00.
Over the past months, UN Etxea and BBK Kuna have created a space for reflection from the arts and culture perspective about how we interact, feel, live together and participate in our Basque society from an intersectional and intercultural approach.
The Learning Community Intercultural Logbook is set in a changing global context, of population movements which create new communities and neighbourhoods, and in which people and their cultures meet, influence each other and grow.
Together with other people, by listening, trusting each other and with enthusiasm, we have created a common and shared space in an open, honest environment, free from ties and prejudices which has given shape to a shared work: The Dream City.
The protagonists of this work are the people who give us the testimony of their experiences, longings and hopes. People who, through their life experiences, invite us to generate a critical way of thinking, to dream about how to advance towards more inclusive societies, committed to equality, human rights, recognising diversities, interaction and sustainable development.
Marian Andrés, Fely del Fresno, Conchi Basabe, Daniela Huber, Sara Arboleda, María Fernanda Junio, Ana Motta, Malvina Cruz, Javier Arnaiz, Rocío Reátegui, Elena Corral, Juan Ramón Parrado and Begoña Guzmán are part of this community, encouraged by actor and playwright Cruz Noguera, who on 17 November, will show the audience the process behind the meetings, discussions and co-creation carried out over the past months.
We invite you to set aside the date and to keep an eye out for the free registrations for the event.
Looking forward to seeing in The Dream City!
- 📅 DATE: 17 november (friday)
- 🕙 TIME: 19:00
- 📍 PLACE: Sala BBK