SDG6: Water: a vital resource we must take care of

Water is an essential element for life. It is indispensable for human consumption, agriculture, industry and the maintenance of ecosystems. However, this vital resource is increasingly under threat from pollution, climate change and unsustainable use.

Within the framework of the Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), SDG 6 aims to ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.

What can we do as citizens to achieve this goal?

Individual actions

  • Reduce our water consumption: Turn the tap off while we brush our teeth, shower instead of a bath, and use efficient household appliances are some of the simple actions we can take to save water.
  • Reuse water: Rainwater can be reused for watering plants or washing the car. We can also install rainwater catchment systems in our houses.
  • Avoid contaminating water: By not throwing garbage into rivers, reservoirs, or the sea, and using biodegradable cleaning products are essential measures to protect water quality.
  • Choose sustainable products: Choose products that come from companies committed to responsible water management.
  • Be informed and aware of our environment: Share information about the importance of water and the actions we can take to protect it with family members, friends and work colleagues.

Collective actions

  • Support sustainable initiatives: participate in river and beach cleaning projects, or donate to organisations who work in the protection of water resources. There are various related initiatives in Bizkaia.
  • Demand measures for the responsible water management from political and business authorities: demand public policies that promote efficient water use, investment in sustainable infrastructures and the protection of aquatic ecosystems.
  • Participate in citizen initiatives: join collectives who work to defend water and environmental justice. 


Public awareness: the key for change

Public awareness is key in order to achieve a real change in the way we manage water. It is necessary that we all become aware of the importance of this vital resource and the responsibility we have to protect it.

Do you want to join the challenge? Every drop counts! Together we can build a sustainable future where water is available for all.


  • Water is a vital resource we all must look after.
  • Reduce our consumption, reuse water and avoid contaminating it are key actions to achieve SDG 6.
  • In BBK Kuna we are committed to sustainable water management.
  • Join the challenge! Every drop counts.

BBK Kuna works tirelessly to promote public awareness about the SDGs. Through different initiatives, such as workshops, talks, campaigns in social media and educational materials, we seek to inform, educate and mobilise citizens to become active agents in defending the SDGs.