Euskaragaz Egizu Match

Turn your perspective around about Basque and change your relationship with the language.


According to data from the Basque Government in the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country…. with 36.4% of the population (Basque Government, 2016).

As regards knowledge, in the last 25 years the evolution has been positive. In fact, the knowledge of Basque, is increasing above all in the intermediate youth (ages 16-24).

Although the proficiency data on are good, nevertheless, the usage data are concerning: the evolution has been more moderate in the last 25 years and, in addition to the social aspects, usage is also very important in the elective decision.

Furthermore, the participation of young people is a strategic axis of Eusko Ikaskuntza.

Promoting empowerment. Young people are the present and the future of our society and we see the leaders of this near future for which we dream about and prepare.


In order to achieve the objectives presented, the social innovation methodology (GizarteLAB) will be used, designed and developed by Eusko Ikaskuntza.

GizarteLAB develops the social skills of young people, promoting collective learning and overcoming challenges by collaborating. What it proposes is to evaluate weaknesses, prototype solutions and scale experiences, which conjugate social innovation models + agile prototype methodologies + skills development for innovation and relational evaluation methodologies.


The project puts particular emphasis on the development of skills and the design of experimental initiatives from the perspective of the young people.

Different techniques are used such as dynamics for converting prejudices into opinions, life maps, future maps, empathy maps, people, etc. Furthermore, by using rapid prototyping techniques, participants design a pilot action to promote a local initiative.

An experimental, sustainable and effective learning model is always proposed, while seeking for the environment between the people to be one of trust and mutual respect.

Focusing on the relationships between the young people in the area, we will diagnose the situation with Basque from their perspective, in order to work on lines of action to help us overcome clichés, prejudices and weaknesses and take advantage of the strengths.


Having as the target audience for the Euskaragaz egizu match learning community programme, young people from Bilbao with a dissimilar knowledge of Basque and different attitudes towards the language, it would be convenient to capture participants in different collectives.


  • Raise the awareness of the youth of Bilbao towards Basque.
  • Break down stereotypes and prejudices.
  • Identify the keys, actions and levers to promote the use and learning of Basque in formal as well as informal domains.


The recipients will be young people between the ages of 15 and 25, trying to strike a gender balance and achieve pluralism as regards origin, culture and level of Basque.

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