SDG 2: Zero hunger. What can citizens do?

The second United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG), “Zero hunger”, is a goal that seeks to end hunger, achieve food security, improve nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture.

Learn exactly what this goal is about, why it is crucial and what concrete actions you can implement, as a citizen, to accomplish it.

SDG 2: Zero hunger

This second goal focusses on ending all forms of hunger for all.

Food is a fundamental human right and this goal aims to ensure that no one goes hungry and everyone has access to secure, nutritional and sufficient food. In order to achieve this, it is necessary to address a number of challenges, from food shortage to the limited access to agricultural resources.

The reality of hunger

Despite significant advances in the past few decades, hunger continues to be a reality for millions of people around the world.

According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), in 2020, approximately 9.9% of the world population, close to 768 million people, suffered the consequences of famine. This represents and increase compared to previous years, aggravated by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Why is SDG 2 important?

This SDG is key because it tries to remedy several problems. First of all, access to nutritional food is a fundamental human right and the need to eat is a violation of these basic rights. Moreover, hunger is a barrier to sustainable development; since, without proper nutrition, people cannot reach their full potential nor contribute to the progress of their communities.

In turn, the lack of access to adequate food perpetuates the cycle of poverty and inequality. It is essential to tackle this problem in order to bridge the gap between the rich and the poor. Ultimately, malnutrition due to the lack of food intake has a devastating impact in people’s health (particularly, in children). This increases de burden of diseases and infant mortality.

Actions to take to accomplish SDG 2

Eradicating hunger is a global task which requires the efforts of all the segments of society and you, as a citizen, play a central role in this effort. We provide you with the actions you can carry out to contribute to accomplish this objective.

At an individual level

We advise you to avoid food waste at home and be aware when buying. Purchase local food products and support the farmers in your area. This contributes to food security and promotes the local economy.

You can also provide food or time, as a volunteer, in food banks or organizations that fight against hunger.

​At a community level

You can promote nutrition education programmes in schools and communities to raise awareness about the importance of a balanced diet.

Similarly, it’s a great idea to encourage setting up food sharing groups in the community so that people can share food and resources. Moreover, you can participate in community garden projects that provide fresh food to those who need it most.

In conclusion, within the Sustainable Development Goals, SDG 2 is a global commitment to end hunger and promote food security.

We hope that with the ideas proposed, individually as well as collectively, you will play a decisive role in achieving this goal.

Don’t forget that every step we take to reduce hunger, brings us a little closer, to a world in which all people have equal opportunities to food.