Two activities will analyse the future of fashion in BBK Kuna
What do the citizens of the Basque Country think about how the fashion of the future will be? How do they imagine the store of the future? Do they believe in technological innovation to mitigate sustainability challenges? Will we continue to have men’s and women’s wear or on the contrary will there be a single gender?
These and many other topics will be analysed and subject for joint reflection in The Future of Fashion.
What is ‘Inhabitants of the Future’?
This space emerges in BBK Kuna with the intention of adding citizens to the public debate about the future, in which their voice is hardly represented, but which in practice the actions, behaviours and values will depend upon to a large extent.
This space seeks to place the inhabitants in the centre of the debate about the future, to access valuable information to enable them to adapt better to changes, as well as to incorporate their voice and preferences so they can also somehow condition this future and direct it towards the sustainable development of our society.
There are many questions and answers we need to find among all citizens. Thus, in Inhabitants of the Future BBKuna citizens are at the centre studying how they imagine that future and how they project their own habits.
Round table The Future of Fashion: The sustainable dreams of the inhabitants of the future
On 27 October we will have a coffee together in BBK Kuna to talk about the data shown by the survey on the future of fashion.
We will talk with several participants who are specialized on the topic about how citizens see the development of the fashion industry based on several indicators, such as sustainability; what will the fashion stores of the future be like; how they would like to dress; how they have interiorised the sustainable trends when consuming second-hand clothing; or how concerned they are about what materials and under what conditions the clothes they wear have been manufactured.
Will the gender-based wardrobe differentiation disappear in the future? Will we stop throwing clothes into the garbage? Will we stop consuming fast fashion? Issues such as these will be analysed by the panel.
The Head of News Programmes on Radio Euskadi, Dani Álvarez will guide the conversation; and with him, Braulio Gómez, in charge of Inhabitants of the Future and professor in the University of Deusto; Kristian Prieto, Director of BBKUNA; Mª Luz Ferro, General Coordinator of Koopera; and Airí Ferrer, person in charge of Fashion Revolution Euskadi.
You can sign up for the round table at this link.
Parade of the future, on 28 October in Sala BBK
The answers to all these questions will be presented in the parade of the future on 28 October in Sala BBK. In this special fashion parade, the models will parade with the data obtained in the survey.
There will be 11 models who will wear clothes from present and future designers, companies and students, designers from our land who work in order to turn and make the fashion citizens want into reality.
Designers who work with sustainable materials, who work for a KM0 fashion, using techniques to achieve a circular fashion, who research to achieve regenerative materials, who produce on demand or lead us to a change of mindset of business models for citizens to interiorise the habit of renting or buying second-hand clothes.