BBK Kuna Zuzenean: Maider & Iren Uka
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Paul Clarke and Jessica Hoffmann, artistic directors of Bristol-based company Uninvited Guests will speak about their experience of integrating performance and technology; digital theatre as a way engaging audiences remotely, using interactive technologies to facilitate participation, and combining augmented reality with site-specific performance.
Paul Clarke and Jessica Hoffmann, artistic directors of Bristol Uninvited Guests, bring their productions Billennium and To Those Born Later to the festival. In this talk they will talk about their experience of bringing together performance and technology; digital theatre as a consequence of the confinements of covid-19 and as a way of socially connecting people in times of physical distancing, what they learnt during the pandemic about remote spectator participation to facilitate that participation by combining the use of interactive technologies with augmented reality with specific local performance.
The audience will discuss whether artistic and creative technologies can be used to urgently address civic, social and environmental challenges and enable communities to imagine a better future.
Paul is a researcher and Senior Lecturer in Performance Studies at University of Bristol, and artistic director of Uninvited Guests. Jessica Hoffmann is artistic director of Uninvited Guests, workshop facilitator and performer.