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FSForum2022: 21 Districts, when the centre is the whole – Adrián Sepiurca

FS Forum brings together international cultural and social leaders to foster the reflection on culture and social innovation as the main drivers for building more humane and positive societies.

Date 12/05/22

Time 18:00h


Adrián Sepiurca, Argentinian and resident in Madrid, is the artistic coordinator of the programme “21 distritos”, which promotes providing access to culture to every corner of the city through the use of different disciplines. 21 distritos is a cultural dynamization and incentive project in neighbourhoods promoted by the Department of Culture, Tourism and Sports of the Madrid City Council. His team works to build up a dialogue between the cultural operators and citizens in order to take culture, safely, inclusively and sustainably to every corner of the city. Part of his work is carried out through artistic training and personal development courses for homeless people and those at risk from exclusion in order to help them to reinsert themselves socially and occupationally.

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