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Haurkuna: The sea at stake


Date 01/06/24

Time 17:30 – 18:30h

Venue BBK Kuna

Talk about SDG No. 14, life below water, about the condition of our seas and beaches and what we can do to protect them. Then play at becoming a solidary avalanche and cleaning our sea with this test game. Close off an area as a sea by drawing a large circle with chalk. Make balls with black, blue and grey silk paper. Place everything in the circle and start to play.

  • Test 1: save the fish (grey balls) and put them into the safety pool.
    • Test 2: clean the sea from oil slicks (black balls) and put them into recycling bins.
    • Test 3: now put the fish in the sea.

Repeat to see whether we can improve our initial time.


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