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III.Edition of the Recognition of Migrant Women from Bilbao

An initiative that aims to recognise the importance of immigrant women in Bilbao's social and public life, as well as to position immigrant women in the social and public life of Bilbao, as well as to position scenarios of reference and recognition of diversity.

Date 10/03/22

Time 12:00 – 14:00h


Promoted by the Consistory’s Local Immigration Council (CLI), aims to recognise the importance of the the importance of the presence of immigrant women in the social and public life of the Biscayan capital, as well as to
the capital of Bizkaia, as well as to position scenarios of reference and recognition of diversity.


  • Community Women: a section that will make visible and recognise the neighbourhood and community work that many women in their
    community work carried out by many women in their neighbourhoods, sometimes invisible,
    but of great importance for the social fabric.
  • Enterprising Women: a section that will include women with sustainable and successful projects in the field of
    and successful projects in the field of the social and solidarity economy and which they develop in a
    as a group, association or individual.
  • Political Women: section aimed at migrant women who carry out actions of political
    actions aimed at the transformation of public policies in any sector of action and that can develop
    any sector of action and which can be carried out within the framework of a political party or through other
    political party or through other spaces for public participation or advocacy.
  • Woman Artist: a section that aims to recognise migrant women who stand out in any type of discipline linked to the world of art.
    any kind of discipline linked to the world of the arts.
  • Woman Human Rights Defender: section aimed at those migrant women with a track record in the defence of human rights.
    women with a track record in the defence of Human Rights, especially those that can be linked to the
    those that can be linked to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
  • Young Women: a category that aims to distinguish young migrant women, up to 30 years of age, who are
    up to 30 years of age, who have a track record in any other of the above categories.
    of the above categories

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