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Roma Rereading of Sustainable Development

The event consists of the presentation of the report "Gypsy Rereading of Sustainable Development" by the gypsy organisations Asociación Nacional Presencia Gitana, La Fragua Projects, the Federation of Gypsy Associations of Catalonia (FAGIC) and AMUGE Elkartea.

Date 16/05/23

Time 11:00 – 12:30h

This report is the work of Presencia Gitana, La Fragua Projects and FAGIC, in addition to several experts, in which a detailed review of both the ‘Global Goals for Sustainable Development’ (SDGs) and the ‘Country Challenges’ of the ‘Sustainable Development Strategy 2030’ (SDS) has been carried out, from an inclusive perspective and taking into account the social characteristics of the Roma People. This report is part of the first phase of the project ‘Roma View of Sustainable Development 2023’, funded by the State Secretariat for the 2030 Agenda, of the Ministry of Social Rights and Agenda 2030.


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