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Tools and instruments to boost climate action in the Basque Country: mitigation and adaptation

The aim of the conference is to make the climate tools and services developed by the Basque Government through Ihobe available to all agents in the Basque Country. The main instruments available will be explained and the demand of the agents for future specific training sessions or future instruments and services will be captured.

Date 25/03/22

Time 11:00 – 13:00h


11:00-11:15 Institutional presentation
Amaia Barredo, Deputy Minister of Environmental Sustainability. Basque Government
Adolfo Uriarte, Director of Natural Heritage and Climate Change. Basque Government

Diagnostic tools
11:15-11:30 Carbon footprint tools (organisation, municipality, city council, county, citizens, removals)
Mª Luz Gómez, Ihobe, Public Company for Environmental Management. Basque Government
11:30-11:50 Climate tools: Scenarios, municipal vulnerability, vulnerability and risk of the coast of the Basque Country
Carlos Castillo, Ihobe, Public Society for Environmental Management. Basque Government

Tools for climate action
11:50-12:00 Guidance for the elaboration of local climate and energy plans
Miriam Arrizabalaga, Ihobe, Public Society for Environmental Management. Basque Government
12:00-12:10 Guidelines and good practices on natural solutions
Ainhize Butrón, Ihobe, Public Society for Environmental Management. Basque Government
12:10-12:20 Orientations for adaptation to climate change on the Basque coastline
Carlos Castillo, Ihobe, Public Society for Environmental Management. Basque Government
12:20-12:30 Adaptation plans in companies
Mª Luz Gómez, Ihobe, Public Society for Environmental Management. Basque Government

12:30-12:45 Question and answer session
12:45: Closing of the day

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