Take Part!

The Practice-Oriented Learning Communities (CAPs) at BBK Kuna are spaces for shared learning among diverse people who meet periodically on a voluntary and informal basis to experiment in a practical way on specific issues of common interest.

They are environments in which learning takes place, new knowledge is generated, knowledge is exchanged or challenges are tackled collaboratively through continuous interaction that builds relationships of recognition, reciprocity and trust.

Reflection and action

These communities seek to promote a space for reflection and dialogue in order to generate collective intelligence, activate prototypes and transfer what they have worked on or learned in the form of documentation of their processes and results using free licences. All of this with a constructive approach to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the 2030 Agenda in Bizkaia.

Attending to the impulse of citizenship

BBK Kuna wants to welcome, accompany and encourage citizens and be a catalyst for communities, to which it offers, according to their needs: mediation, space, economic support and other necessary means to develop activities and take steps to resolve challenges.

At BBK Kuna we are launching different Practice-oriented Learning Communities.:

Are you interested in this subject? Would you like to learn, contribute, talk about and reflect on it? Write to us at kuna@bbk.eus, we would be delighted for you to come along. We look forward to seeing you at BBK Kuna.

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