“The Future Game” initiative will grant scholarships, given by BBK, to 10 young people so they can experiment on the future and technology for 21 days.
The Future Game initiative brings the future back to the table, and does so through the voices of young people. Therefore, The Future Game has launched a call for 10 scholarships of €1,000, granted by BBK, where 10 young people will be put to the test for 21 days, in order to understand the implications of living in a completely digitalised world and imagine the future of the interactions between human beings and technology.
The young people may combine this experience with their regular everyday life (go to school, work, enjoy their leisure time…) but every day they must carry out a short test which will activate new reflections. In order to participate in the casting, the young people may do this from the website of the initiative (http://thefuturegame.org) or by attending the event which will be held in BBK Kuna, the Home of the SDG on 28 September (17:30 – 19:00) and learn more about the initiative.
Thanks to the participation process carried out at the end of 2021, in which more the 15,000 young Basque people participated, The Future Game team has detected the major issues which concern young people as regards the future. One of the most prevalent is; technology.
The exponential development of technology in the last few decades has seen the advent of a new form of human beings, with a new way of interacting and understanding the world. Young people, who were born surrounded by technology, better understand its negative as well as positive aspects. It is they who also show the greatest concern about what this constant connection makes them feel or live.
The experiment seeks to answer some of the following questions and from these, imagine possible future scenarios for technology; What impact do algorithms have on our opinions? What new capacities does technology provide us with? How have our relationships changed due to technology? Are we really ourselves on social media?