Digital and social transitions: keys for migrant labour integration in Bizkaia

Make Bizkaia a more inclusive territory from the migrant and talent perspective with a focus on digital jobs.

In an ever-changing world, where technology and innovation are the keys for economic and social development, the need to have skilled talent in these areas becomes crucial. Bizkaia, as a dynamic and thriving territory, is not unaware of this reality.

Economic and social transitions: migration and generating opportunities

Migration has been a constant phenomenon throughout history, and Bizkaia has been a host territory for people seeking new opportunities and a better future. However, these economic and social transitions are not always easy. Migrants often face obstacles to fully integrate into society, particularly as regards accessing the labour market.

The barriers for labour integration:

  • Lack of recognition of the qualifications and experience acquired in their countries of origin.
  • Difficulties in learning the Basque language or Spanish.
  • Discrimination on the grounds of origin or nationality.
  • Lack of access to contact networks and employment opportunities.


Generating opportunities for inclusion

It is necessary to implement policies and programmes that promote the labour inclusion of migrants, such as:

  • Programmes for recognising and validating qualifications.
  • Language and digital skills training courses.
  • Encourage entrepreneurship and the creation of businesses.
  • Awareness and fight against discrimination.
  • Creating support and accompaniment networks.


The digital divide and attracting talent: and inclusive approach

The digital divide continues being a reality in many sectors of the population, particularly among migrants. This divide limits access to the opportunities offered by the digital world, which leads to a competitive disadvantage in the labour market.

The causes of the digital divide:

Lack of access to devices and internet connectivity.

  • Low digital skills.
  • Difficulties for using new technologies.


An inclusive approach for bridging the digital divide:

  • Digital literacy programmes and training in ICT skills.
  • Promoting universal access to the internet and devices.
  • Creating inclusive and accessible digital spaces.
  • Awareness about the importance of ICTs for personal and professional development.


A call to action: building a more inclusive Bizkaia

The Kuna-co Proiektuak call offers a unique opportunity for third sector entities, training centres, businesses and other organisations to work together in developing innovative and effective solutions for this challenge. The projects selected will receive funding and technical support to implement their ideas and make a positive impact on society.

Together, we can build a more inclusive, prosperous Bizkaia and prepared for the challenges of the future.

These projects are related to the Sustainable Development Goals:

  • SDG 1 (End poverty): reduce the proportion of people who live in extreme poverty in the world by half from now to 2030.
  • SDG 8 (Decent work and economic growth): promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.

For further information about the Kuna-co Proiektuak call, visit: