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Bilbao European Encounters

Technology and Geopolitics

Date 09/11/23

Time 10:00 – 17:00h

10.00- Institutional opening
10.30- Plenary lecture:
Miriam González Durántez (Inspiring Girls International)
11.30- Round table: States and technology companies in the shaping of the future
Marta Cantero (AI&DEM Chair, EUII, Florence)
Estibaliz Hernaez (Vice-Minister of Technology, Innovation and Digital Transformation, Basque Government)
Carme Colomina (CIDOB, Senior Researcher and Editor)
13.00- Lunch break
16.00- Round table: Security and regulation for global technology
Cristina Murillo (GAIA Cluster of Basque technology companies)
Marga Robles (Faculty of Law, UGR)
Javier Sánchez Monedero (University of Cordoba / ALGORACE)


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