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BBK Open Science Fest

BBK Open Science Fest offers the chance to learn, share and enjoy open and participative science, and the opportunities it generates as a driving force in order to achieve a better and more sustainable world.

Date 07/06/21 – 13/06/21

Time 10:00 – 20:30h


A meeting point between science and the society of Bizkaia

This open and participative science festival offers all citizens the opportunity of enjoying, socialising and learning about science, technology, and innovation and get to know about global movements such as citizen and community science, social innovation, digital naturalisms and much more.

Who is the festival designed for?

Families and children
The BBK OSF´21 programme is designed for families and the younger public. In addition, many science shows and activities will be held that you can also follow and carry out easily and safely from your home, if you have the ingredients prepared.

Educational centres
BBK OSF’21 has an offer aimed at experimental education in science and educational innovation. Participate in the sessions designed for educational staff or students, online or face-to-face, in order to learn about some of the most innovative proposals in education, participate in science shows, hold workshops and contribute with your vision and experience in the open dialogues.

Businesses, professionals and entrepreneurs
BBK OSF’21 has an offer aimed at entrepreneurship with a scientific-technological and social base. The festival will be a showcase of innovative ideas, products, services, models and solutions in pursuit of the common good, especially if science and open technologies are used and promoted.

Science lovers
BBK OSF’21 has an offer aimed so that any person can learn, share and practice science. It will be an event in which to share and enjoy open, citizen and community science. There will be practical science activities you can participate in. 

People who are not from the “sciences”
Science accompanies us in every aspect of our lives. If you are a curious person, eager to learn and experiment, the festival offers you an extensive range of activities related to what you like. BBK OSF eliminates the stigma that science is complicated, boring and it not for “the arts” people.

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