PolitikPote: Pablo Simón - What is behind the rise of the extreme right?
We will talk about the rise of the extreme right with Pablo Simón in PolitikPote, don't miss it!
Talk about SDG No, 11 sustainable cities and communities, about how we can collaborate to make their home more sustainable: helping to recycle plastic, remembering to choose paper packaging and reduce the use of bags. This is experienced through the following activity: Each participant is given a stencil of a house with 9 spaces (squares), provide then cardboard stencils of drawings of flowers, bicycles,
public transport, solar panels, recycling bins, neighbourhood shops, fresh food…which the young children have to paint and then stick onto the windows of their houses.
Then with green-coloured cardboard, place the blinds of the house and glue them so that when the windows are opened, we can see the sustainability message.
To finish, join all the little houses together and we can see our sustainable neighbourhood.