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BBK Off: How to be Green and not die trying


Date 07/04/22

Time 11:00 – 14:00h


In today’s world, the production of shows and tours forces us to keep new things in mind, such as sustainability and the 2030 goals. This workshop aims to clarify what these terms that populate recent calls for proposals refer to and to distil a common approach that allows us to modify our practices today.

Producing a show incorporating notions of the circular economy, paying attention to care, to the carbon footprint we leave behind, to how to reduce the impact on the environment while remaining financially and personally viable are some of the topics that will be addressed in this workshop.

Jemima Cano is a cultural manager and producer born in Barcelona but based in Bilbao. She is a member of DOOS Colectivo and a freelance manager who collaborates with artists and cultural entities on issues of internationalisation, audiences and digitisation.

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