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Open House Bilbao 2024

BBK Kuna participa otro año en el mayor festival de puertas abiertas de Bilbao.

Date 05/10/24 – 06/10/24

Time 09:00 – 21:00h

Venue BBK Kuna


For one weekend a year, Bilbao opens its doors to make itself known. An opportunity for residents and visitors to rediscover the city through its architecture and urban planning.

To learn about the transformation of metropolitan Bilbao marked by three stages or periods linked to the main historical developments of the estuary: the commercial estuary, the industrial estuary and the estuary of culture and services.

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El Día de los Muertos en México

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El Conserje

Microteatro - Mikroantzerkia


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Poesía del Abismo

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