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Artificial Intelligence: Opportunities and Challenges in the fight against gender-based violence

Main findings of the Action Research Project

Date 29/11/24

Time 10:30 – 12:00h

The event will share the main results obtained in the development of the project ‘Artificial Intelligence: Opportunities and Challenges in the fight against male violence’, coordinated by the InteRed Foundation and the Deusto Social Values research team of the University of Deusto, with funding from the BBK Kuna, in the Kuna-co Proiektuak 2023 call for proposals.

The aim of the project was to explore a ChatbBot, called FemBot, as a tool for prevention and attention in situations of male violence. To this end, the ChatBot has been disseminated among Biscayan society, and focus groups have been held with people of different profiles.

During the event, the main findings of the research will be shared, as well as the lessons learned during the development process.


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